Friday, November 14, 2008

First Piano Lesson...

Being able to play the piano is a goal Adam and I both have. Our hope is that our children will love it also. Tonight was Livi's first piano lesson.

Above Grammy is showing Livi the keys...

Now it's Livi's turn! She absolutely loved it. Daddy is taking her out to buy a keyboard tomorrow so she can practice at home. :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The key to your husband's heart... at least my husband's anyway.

Feel free to use this idea on your own husband... mine is off limits.

Friday, October 31, 2008

The story of the ladybug and the lollipop...

Our night started out as planned... a nice family photo op before the trick or treating started. We decided to stay in this year since and hand out treats since Livi is too young to go out. Well, she had some ideas of her own.

We looked away and she found the cauldron... (if you didn't notice its not a real lady bug, it's Livi)

Oh yeah, and apparently she can stand now. I guess if you want something bad enough, you do whatever you have to in order to get it.

She goes in for the kill...

What is this?!?

Hmmm... this smells good, but it doesn't taste so good...



You'll never get it out now Mommy. It's all mine forever.

I hope you enjoyed Livi's first Halloween as much as she did. Have a great day. :)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Family Dinner

Tonight we had some family over for dinner... Dad always comes with a job for Adam. Tonights job was to set up his new camera and printer... this was the result. The camera has a timer on it. :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I'm so thankful for this little girl. Feel free to look at her smile any time you need to be cheered up... I do. :)

Our Little Pumpkin...

My favorite season is fall... I'm pretty sure that is why I may never move out of NEPA. (Sorry Tam) There is just something about the beauty that surrounds us here. I was so excited to take Livi to the pumpkin patch for the first time. I couldn't wait to get the picture of her sitting on top of all the pumpkins. Well... we were approximately one mile from Roba's when it started to down pour. So, this is as good as it gets. I was disappointed, but thankfully Livi is young enough not to care and she had a great time anyway. Here is our latest family shot with one of the prize pumpkins.
Our little pumpkin next to a really big pumpkin.

For some reason the concept of sticking her head through the witches was very disturbing to her.

Oink Oink...

Daddy, I want to try.

Mommy loves mums. I was determined to get them rain or shine. :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I caught my daughter trying out some disguises today. I was thinking maybe she found out about Halloween and was just getting a few ideas...

She tried to distract me with her new favorite face...

And then 30 seconds later I found her... checking to see if anyone was looking...

She goes in for the kill... Too bad for her the only thing inside is her birth certificate. :)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Yet another milestone...

It's a week of milestones for Livi. She started the week off with crawling and she finished it with some pretty earrings. Our princess got her ears pierced yesterday. You will notice she seems to have turned into a rock star with her facial expressions.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I would like to post this video showing one of Olivia's major milestones! Her first CRAWL! I guess you can call it a crawl. Some may call it a leap. Whatever you call it, it sure is cute.

-Proud Dad

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I have the best husband in the world....

I have been extremely sick for 5 days now. I don't know where the illness came from, but it came on strong and is still here... I even went to the doctor. Adam has been taking wonderful care of me. The picture above is the gourmet dinner he made for me the other night... spirals and tuna on toast. :)
Here is is dishing out our dinner...

He not only has been taking great care of me, but he has been taking care of Livi. He has been doing most everything for/with her so we can try and keep this illness from spreading. So like I said in the title. I have the best husband in the world.... :) Sorry to everyone else out there.... He's taken. :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Big Grampa Update...

Grampa had his surgeries last monday. He was in pretty rough shape for a few days, but as you can see in the picture he is on his way to recovery now. The day before yesterday he was moved to a local rehab hospital to help him with the rest of his recovery. His spirits were a lot higher when I saw him yesterday. He felt like he was in prison at the hospital. Now I think it's more like a hotel for him... :) Keep praying for him, he still has a way to go.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Big Grampa...

What can I say about this picture?... This was one of the most tender moments I have witnessed in quite a while.

Grampa (Lovingly referred to as Big Grampa by his great grandchildren) has been in the hospital for almost two weeks now. While he has been in the hospital Livi and I have gone to see him almost every day except when I have been working.

Grampa is not a man of many words, but he has always shown us great love. Moments like this are what I will always cherish. I'm so thankful to get to know him as an adult and watch him interact with my daughter. I pray there will be many more moments like this... outside of the hospital.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Birthday Girl!

Our Mabel is officially 8 years old today. Time certainly does fly by. Mabel may be a year older, but she is just as playful and still has a grudge with the mailman. (I'm hoping some day she will realize he really isn't that bad.)

That hotdog was one of the presents Mabel picked out for her birthday last year on our visit to the pet store. She loves her birthday shopping trip.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Our Girls...

This is the first successful picture I have ever got of both of our girls together... actually looking at the camera. Mabel was an only "child" for many years. She is doing well with Olivia, but mostly just tolerates her. Mabel's facial expression says it all. (for those of you who can read dogs)

Here is the look on Livi's face right after she batted at Mabel and Mabel took off. :)

As much as Mabel avoids Livi's at times, whenever I can't find her, she is usually sleeping under Livi's crib. I know once Livi gets the no hitting/pulling thing down, this will blossom into a great friendship. :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The many faces of Olivia Ruth...

I love how expressive she is... as you can kind of tell by the non changing backround, these pictures where all taken in a matter of 2 minutes this morning. I just love every new face... and thankfully Livi seems to love the camera. :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Jumping Fun...

I know it's been quite a while since I posted anything... sorry. Well, incase you were wondering Miss Olivia just keeps getting cuter... at some point her cuteness has to level out right? :) Her Grammy bought her a jumperoo before she was born and she is at the point where she is completely loving it... her little legs start kicking as soon as she sees it. It's so fun watching her in it.

Here is a close up of that dimple... I can't take it. :)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Where's the Bink?...

This past Sunday Livi got to meet my friend Tara who I haven't see in a while. We had a great time catching up on all we have missed. As we were talking, Livi stared getting crabby and ready for a nap. I continued to give her Mr. Binks (her pacifier), until out of no where it was missing. How could the bink just disappear? It's like the phantom sock that seems to get eaten by the dryer.

Hudson, the new addition to the Elliott family may be able to provide some clues as to where the bink went. :)

It sure made Hudson's Daddy proud to see his boy with a pink bink. :)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Tami's Wedding

Saturday, my sister, Tami got married. It was a beautiful day for a wedding and she looked beautiful. Miss Olivia got her first gig as a flower girl. Her oldest cousin Hannah helped her with her very important task... being cute. :) The wedding was a lot of fun and everyone had a great day.