Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Birthday Girl!

Our Mabel is officially 8 years old today. Time certainly does fly by. Mabel may be a year older, but she is just as playful and still has a grudge with the mailman. (I'm hoping some day she will realize he really isn't that bad.)

That hotdog was one of the presents Mabel picked out for her birthday last year on our visit to the pet store. She loves her birthday shopping trip.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Our Girls...

This is the first successful picture I have ever got of both of our girls together... actually looking at the camera. Mabel was an only "child" for many years. She is doing well with Olivia, but mostly just tolerates her. Mabel's facial expression says it all. (for those of you who can read dogs)

Here is the look on Livi's face right after she batted at Mabel and Mabel took off. :)

As much as Mabel avoids Livi's at times, whenever I can't find her, she is usually sleeping under Livi's crib. I know once Livi gets the no hitting/pulling thing down, this will blossom into a great friendship. :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The many faces of Olivia Ruth...

I love how expressive she is... as you can kind of tell by the non changing backround, these pictures where all taken in a matter of 2 minutes this morning. I just love every new face... and thankfully Livi seems to love the camera. :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Jumping Fun...

I know it's been quite a while since I posted anything... sorry. Well, incase you were wondering Miss Olivia just keeps getting cuter... at some point her cuteness has to level out right? :) Her Grammy bought her a jumperoo before she was born and she is at the point where she is completely loving it... her little legs start kicking as soon as she sees it. It's so fun watching her in it.

Here is a close up of that dimple... I can't take it. :)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Where's the Bink?...

This past Sunday Livi got to meet my friend Tara who I haven't see in a while. We had a great time catching up on all we have missed. As we were talking, Livi stared getting crabby and ready for a nap. I continued to give her Mr. Binks (her pacifier), until out of no where it was missing. How could the bink just disappear? It's like the phantom sock that seems to get eaten by the dryer.

Hudson, the new addition to the Elliott family may be able to provide some clues as to where the bink went. :)

It sure made Hudson's Daddy proud to see his boy with a pink bink. :)