Thursday, May 14, 2009

For all those I have let down.....

I apologize for my lack in posting... I have no excuse.

Things have not changed too much... Our daughter is still beautiful and has a very good appetite. Here is her enjoying her first snack pack of cracker sticks and cheese... the picture speaks for itself.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Spaghetti Time!

Our little Olivia is a very pleasant baby... that is unless you are eating in front of her and not sharing. The other evening we fed Olivia at her normal time and then I served dinner for us. She was not too happy with me... I decided to opt for a "peaceful" meal time and share. I knew I may very well have regretted my decision, but I went with it. As you can see Livi is as happy as can be.
I'm not sure exactly how much spaghetti she ate, but she loved every second of it. :) Have a great day!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


I apologize for my lack of posting... there is just no excuse. It's time for an update I suppose. Olivia continues to get cuter and my house continues to get messier. This child is like a little tornado. I am amazed at how trashed a house can get in about 10 minutes. This photo says it all... look in to her eyes, just imagine what she is thinking. :)