Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I have the best husband in the world....

I have been extremely sick for 5 days now. I don't know where the illness came from, but it came on strong and is still here... I even went to the doctor. Adam has been taking wonderful care of me. The picture above is the gourmet dinner he made for me the other night... spirals and tuna on toast. :)
Here is is dishing out our dinner...

He not only has been taking great care of me, but he has been taking care of Livi. He has been doing most everything for/with her so we can try and keep this illness from spreading. So like I said in the title. I have the best husband in the world.... :) Sorry to everyone else out there.... He's taken. :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Big Grampa Update...

Grampa had his surgeries last monday. He was in pretty rough shape for a few days, but as you can see in the picture he is on his way to recovery now. The day before yesterday he was moved to a local rehab hospital to help him with the rest of his recovery. His spirits were a lot higher when I saw him yesterday. He felt like he was in prison at the hospital. Now I think it's more like a hotel for him... :) Keep praying for him, he still has a way to go.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Big Grampa...

What can I say about this picture?... This was one of the most tender moments I have witnessed in quite a while.

Grampa (Lovingly referred to as Big Grampa by his great grandchildren) has been in the hospital for almost two weeks now. While he has been in the hospital Livi and I have gone to see him almost every day except when I have been working.

Grampa is not a man of many words, but he has always shown us great love. Moments like this are what I will always cherish. I'm so thankful to get to know him as an adult and watch him interact with my daughter. I pray there will be many more moments like this... outside of the hospital.